Expert London Cardiologist for your Heart Health

68 Harley Street

London, W1G 7HE
Main Office

Other Clinics

Cromwell Hospital, Syon Clinic
Bishops Wood

0203 9838 001

Call for Appointments in any of
Dr Nijjer's Clinics

Always available for Queries
with a Rapid Response

Private Patients

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Private Patients

Dr Nijjer sees private patients at a number of different facilities, including 68 Harley Street, The Cromwell Hospital, The Wellington Hospital, BMI Syon Clinic and Imperial Private Healthcare at the Hammersmith Hospital.

Patients may be insured by a provider (such as BUPA, AXA or WPA) who will cover the cost of the consultation and investigations depending upon your individual policy.  Most patients will seek a “pre-authorisation” from the insurer for the consultation prior to seeing Dr Nijjer.  

Dr Nijjer will also see patients who wish to cover the cost themselves and we can provide break-down of costs in advance to help patients to budget appropriately.

68 Harley Street

This modern central London location offers state of the art diagnostic facilities with excellent support team from One Heart Clinic.  This boutique Cardiology service provides a highly supported concierge service with electrocardiography, exercise stress testing, resting echocardiography with Doppler measurement and stress echocardiography all available on site.  Holter monitoring including advanced monitoring for up to 14 days is available.  We have on-site CTCA and Cardiac MRI with stress perfusion facilities.  Contact Amy to make an appointment (

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BUPA Cromwell Hospital

The BUPA Cromwell Hospital is a premier private hospital that offers all the facilities expected of a modern tertiary setting in central London.  The Cromwell has a modern invasive coronary catheter lab, echocardiography and stress testing facilities.  Dr Nijjer undertakes regular clinics during the week, including on Saturday mornings.  Patients can be booked directly by the Cromwell booking team, by BUPA insurance booking team or via Dr Nijjer’s admin team.  All insurance providers are included.  

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BMI Syon Clinic

This beautiful art-deco building has been repurposed into a dedictated medical facility with advanced imaging facilities.  In addition to a comprehensive tools for cardiac assessment, the Syon Clinic also has state-of-the-art CT Coronary Angiography and Cardiac MRI facilties that are run by world-class physicians.  Dr Nijjer works with alongside colleagues to offer a fully comprehensive non-invasive assessment all on one site. 

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Hammersmith Hospital

The Hammersmith Hospital is a premier Cardiac hospital offering all the tools required for invasive assessment of patients with problems with their heart.  This includes coronary angiography, left and right heart catherisation, pressure wire assessment of coronary blockages and intravascular imaging tools.  When it is appropriate, patients can have revascularisation by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI – ‘stenting’) and the Hospital has the latest generation of stent technology.  

Patients can stay in the comfortable facilities of the Sainsbury wing in which privacy, care and attention are the primary drivers.  The Hospital puts patients front and centre and this is demonstrated in their excellent results proven in national audits.

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